Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, occurs when one eye's vision is diminished due to improper coordination between the eye and the brain. Correcting vision solely with glasses is not effective. This is the primary cause of childhood visual impairment, affecting about two to three children out of every 100.
Amblyopia typically develops early in life during critical visual development stages and often persists into adulthood, becoming the leading cause of one-eye visual impairment in children and young to middle-aged adults.
Symptoms include eyes turning in or out, lack of coordination between the eyes, depth perception issues, and poor vision in one eye. Diagnosis requires a comprehensive eye examination. Early detection and treatment initiation are crucial, as the condition may worsen over time. Treatment may involve addressing underlying causes, such as prescribing glasses or performing eye muscle surgery to straighten misaligned eyes. Eye exercises may also help correct visual habits and improve eye coordination. Patching the better-seeing eye to strengthen the weaker eye's vision may be necessary following treatment of the underlying cause.
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